Saturday, December 13, 2008

Big changes for the blog

I tried not to steal Rivens thunder and let her make her first post before i congratulated her. Telling the truth i dont really wanna make another post right after either, but theres a few more bits of update.

First off, i'll try to add Clannad to my list of shows. Im a little behind and may not post the day the episode. i might also drop it when school picks up again. The blog name has also changed to accomidate this

My main goal of adding riven is to hopefully get more readers with a bigger selection of anime. We are both english speaking so no chance to have raw reviews like many of the other bloggers. I still hope to provide new insite on the world of anime through our eyes. Unfortunately i cannot accomedate Riven's name into the URL without messing up the links to our blogs so i'm leaving it as

And a added note for people who dont know this blog well. If a post is long i will hid most of it. so if you see a post with only a few lines, chances are i hid the rest, so click read more to see it in full. It also seems to have disappeared from ep 9. just click the title.

Anime list

-gundam 00

Riven Uchiwa

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